
Muriwai Beach

穆里瓦伊海滩是奥克兰地区最美丽的海滩之一.  Situated on the wild and untamed West Coast of Auckland, the large flat and black sandy beach is an impressive sight.  Surfers are a common sight, 被大海的有利条件所吸引,同时在高空飞行, 滑翔伞被海岸线周围同样有利的西南风所吸引.  ...

Karekare Beach

卡雷卡海滩因在1993年的电影《bet9注册登录》中扮演主角而受到广泛关注. 僻静的黑沙滩位于奥克兰西海岸, 35 kilometres from downtown Auckland. 更受欢迎的皮哈海滩,以标志性的狮子山为特色,就在附近, and is a favourite amongst the surfing community  is close by. However on the way to Piha beach, it's well w...

Tawharanui Regional Park

向北80分钟车程,Tāwharanui地区公园包括奥克兰最好的海滩之一. The 588 hectare park features green pastures, wetlands and a gorgeous white, sandy beach that attracts plenty of surfers. 该公园是该国第一个集农业、自然保护区和保护区于一体的保护区. 这是一个野餐的好地方,可以在地上烧烤. Basic...

St Heliers Bay

St Heliers Bay is just a few minutes drive from Mission Bay.  这个高档的郊区有许多高质量的餐馆和咖啡馆,充分利用了海边的环境. The golden sandy beach is the main attraction. 家庭也可以在退潮时利用海滨的小游乐场, enjoy exploring the rock pools. The Point England Walk is a 11.25 kilo...

Orewa Beach

奥雷瓦是奥克兰市中心以北40公里处一个受欢迎的海滩度假胜地. 令人印象深刻的沙滩长达三公里,是家庭的最爱, kite surfers and given its length, a great beach for joggers and dog walkers. The expansive, 绵延的金色沙滩是奥克兰最好的海滩之一,在温暖的夏季,这里是度过一天的理想之地.&...

Piha Beach

Piha is Auckland' s most famous beach. Situated on Auckland's west coast , 这片野性不羁的黑沙滩是各种技术水平的冲浪者和游客的最爱,他们被其崎岖的美丽所吸引. 皮亚岛被标志性的、经常被拍照的狮子山分成两个海滩. Sitting on the edge of the Waitakere Ranges, 这片受欢迎的沙滩大约45分钟车程...

Mission Bay Beach

使命湾是奥克兰一个受欢迎的海滨郊区,海滩是活动的焦点.  这片金色的沙滩可以欣赏到朗伊托托岛的壮丽景色.  这里有大量的休息区和野餐桌,吸引当地人和游客在海滩上享用午餐.  坐落在海滩对面的鱼锅咖啡馆,提供美味的鱼和c...

Narrow Neck Beach

坐落在美丽的海滨小镇德文波特的步行距离内, 窄颈海滩是一片美丽的金色沙滩,可以欣赏到兰吉托托岛的美景. The beach is a favourite with locals who enjoy walking, kayaking and fishing in the picture postcard setting.  There's also a boat ramp for launching smaller vessels. When the tide is out it's possible to walk around to Chelt...

Oneroa Beach

奥涅罗亚是怀赫克岛的主要城镇,从奥克兰市中心乘坐渡轮35-40分钟即可到达.  The pretty town has a number of arts and craft shops, souvenir shops, cafes, 还有餐厅,可以欣赏到迷人的海滩景色. 在晴朗的日子里,奥涅罗亚镇还可以欣赏到下面白色沙滩的美景, views of the Coromandel Peninsula in the far distance. Oneroa i...

Long Bay Regional Park

长湾地区公园毗邻奥克兰北岸970公顷的Okura海洋保护区.  这个地区公园是野餐的好去处,有很多休息区, a number of BBQ stations and a childrens' play area. 美丽的海滩和奥克兰豪拉基湾的景色结合了隐居所提供的, are why many flock to the park.  Ngäti Kah...

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